Friday, January 22, 2010

Full Discography : Barathrum

Genre : Black/Doom Metal
Country : Finland

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1995 - Eerie
1995 - Hailstorm
1996 - Infernal
1998 - Legions of Perkele
1999 - Saatana
2000 - Okkult
2002 - Venomous
2005 - Anno Aspera ''2003 Years After Bastard's Birth''

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1995 - Eerie
1995 - Hailstorm
1996 - Infernal
1998 - Legions of Perkele
1999 - Saatana
2000 - Okkult
2002 - Venomous
2005 - Anno Aspera ''2003 Years After Bastard's Birth''

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