Friday, January 22, 2010

Full Discography : Bal-Sagoth

Genre : Symphonic/Epic Black Metal
Country : United Kingdom

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1995 - A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
1996 - Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule
1998 - Battle Magic
1999 - The Power Cosmic
2001 - Atlantis Ascendant
2006 - The Chthonic Chronicles (removed)

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1995 - A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
1996 - Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule
1998 - Battle Magic
1999 - The Power Cosmic
2001 - Atlantis Ascendant
2006 - The Chthonic Chronicles

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