Thursday, October 8, 2009

Full Discography : Lunar Aurora

Genre : Black Metal
Country : Germany

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1996 - Weltengänger
1998 - Seelenfeuer
1999 - Of Stargates And Bloodstained Celestial Spheres
2000 - Ars Moriendi
2004 - Elixir of Sorrow
2004 - Zyklus
2005 - Mond
2007 - Andacht

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1996 - Weltengänger
1998 - Seelenfeuer
1999 - Of Stargates And Bloodstained Celestial Spheres
2000 - Ars Moriendi
2004 - Elixir of Sorrow
2004 - Zyklus
2005 - Mond
2007 - Andacht

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