Monday, March 9, 2009

Full Discography : My Dying Bride

Genre : Doom/Death Metal (early), Gothic/Doom Metal (later)
Country : United Kingdom

Rapidshare Links (Not 320kbps)
1992 - As the flower withers
1993 - Turn Loose The Swas
1995 - The Angel And Dark River (Pt 1 - Pt 2)
1996 - Like Gods of the Sun
1998 - 34.788%...complete
1999 - The Light At The End Of The World
2001 - Meisterwerk II
2001 - The Dreadfful Hours
2004 - Songs of Darkness, Words of Light
2006 - A Line of Deathless Kings (Pt 1 - Pt 2)
2009 - For Lies I Sire (Pt 1 - Pt 2)

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